Adventure journal entry 22 – August 30, 2024

Spring flowers in Namaqualand

We are at the end of eight months of 2024. When I started these entries on January 18, there was that shiny new year feeling.

At the time, I said that I had resolved to record my fears and vulnerabilities – and my wins and learnings.

Some of my entries over these last months have been emotional, and some have been three-paragraph “I did that” posts. There’ve been gaps for several weeks where I have not written anything here at all. But I have kept coming back. I’m proud of that.

I’m less proud of the work I did in my mid-year review, where I got sidetracked into system details rather than big picture thinking.

Because that process went sideways a bit, I am wondering if another reset is needed. September, spring month, is here.

These are the things I’m wondering about:

  • Am I spending my days wisely? Am I doing enough work, or too little? Why does it feel so often as if life passes me by in a blur of overthinking and inattention? How much fun am I having? Am I running from a place of scarcity or abundance (overflow, as this post by Jenny Gritters so eloquently puts it).
  • Related: I often feel as though my work is temporary, something I am doing to fill time. As if I am pretending to run a business. That I am not important or well-known or influential, so my work is not important or influential. How can I change that mindset?
  • One of my primary aims this year was to find new clients – but I still haven’t made decent progress on that? What do I need to be doing differently? A new strategy? Better marketing?

Work is needed, clearly. It makes a lot more sense to be thinking about all this as a new seasonal year creeps in, than to do it in the mid-summer heat. I’m off to do spring cleaning!

Main picture: Spring flowers in Namaqualand by Ansie Potgieter, Unsplash