Shoes on a wire

Every day, when I fetch my son from school, I look up. There in the wires in the sky are a pair of shoes. One is brown, one is turquoise. I wonder how they got there, and why they are there. I photograph them and put them on Instagram.

And wish that I was still doing One Beautiful Thing – a project where I tried to photograph one beautiful thing every day for a year. I got to about October before I lost momentum. Perhaps I should start again – I really liked the discipline of looking for something beautiful (even if sometimes it was a mission to find something, and some days I forgot). For now, though, here are those shoes:

Many beautiful days, October 2014 – picture gallery

I set myself a little project – to take an early morning and late evening photograph while we were on a week’s holiday at a resort on the West Coast. Here they are except for our last night there, the photo for which is immured in my son’s phone (water damage from a Table Mountain expedition).

What happened to One Beautiful Thing?

I’m still photographing my One Beautiful Thing. And I still love doing it.

But a Social Media course I am doing with the Red and Yellow School caused me to think about this blog and what I want to do with it – and I realised that the daily discipline of OBT was giving me a convenient excuse not to do anything else here.

So I moved OBT to Tumblr, where it continues. And now there’s a small but present pressure to do something about Tidiness Project, of which I am fond.

One beautiful thing – Thursday, July 24, 2014

20140724_164923_Coombe RdMy Hello Kitty umbrella, purchased from the Woolworths children’s department. It appears eccentric, but because it is small it doesn’t get blown inside out in a gale. And it keeps me head dry when the storm blows in, as it has just done. And it cheers me up every time I open it. All in all, I love this umbrella.