Almost a month since I last did anything here.
What’s happened in the interim? I took a week off, and spent a lot of time in that week reviewing the past six months, and planning the rest of the year.
In the process, I got lost a little. I felt I needed to change my planning routine, the daily, weekly and monthly work I do so I know where I am going and what I should be doing.
That turned into epic overthinking, experimenting with online apps and calendars. Eventually I realised am a visual and tactile person, and have done back to my paper diary. But I have refined my various activities into one big Excel spreadsheet, and written down some systems for the small things I do regularly.
In the process, I lost track a bit of my work on my online course. But I am now ready to take it out into the slightly wider world by sending it to a small focus group.
I am back on track!
Main picture: Richard Loader, Unsplash