Adventure journal entry nine – March 28, 2024

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The Easter weekend is here, so it’s been a short week.

I’ve been adventuring in two different ways: I’ve worked hard on my online course. Project plans. Video tutorials. Next week I start to make content – including (terrifyingly) videos.

And I’ve been doing inner work – hearing all those inner voices that say you can’t do this, no one will like it, you aren’t any good, you are useless. Cruelty to self, on a grand scale.

This morning I woke up an hour early, and lay in the dark listening to the voices. Then I got up, meditated, wallowed a bit. And decided I would not let the voices make me waste a whole precious day. And here I am, at my desk, being useful and good and what I do.

Main picture: Eileen Pan, Unsplash