Adventure journal entry three – February 2, 2024


We went away for the weekend, which was wonderful. It’s also comforting to get back to routine and plans and lists, though.

That’s because I have a deep need for safety and security, and trying to control the way my life runs is the illusion I pursue through all my days.

But I am learning a new way of looking at that.

As part of the burnout coaching I am doing, I am part of a group of people working through a six-week Positive Intelligence programme. The course guru, one Shirzad Chamine, said this in a session I listened to today: “If you think you can control things, you will always be anxious. It’s like this: you can’t control the waves or the wind but you can surf them, you can learn to be a great surfer.”

That’s my work from now on – learning to surf the waves of change and uncertainty as they come at me.

In other news, I’ve fleshed out an outline for a really ambitious online “academy”, two pages that represent a week of really intense work. I am really excited about this!

Photo: Trevor Gerzen, Unsplash