I’ll pay a wealth tax when…

This is one of a series of columns I wrote for IOL. The original, from September 2011, is here.  This is perhaps even more relevant in 2014.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s call for a wealth tax got a lot of people
hot under the collar, in that great journalistic cliche (how many of
us wear collars anyway?).

What I’d really like is a chance to thrash this out with the bishop.

I am a formerly (and still) advantaged white South African and I pay a
lot of tax… and I mean a lot. I pay for my own health care and my
own security and for a large portion of my son’s education and I fully
expect that that will all keep going up. I don’t begrudge any of this
money – it is the price I pay for our history, and I am glad to pay
it. Other people have paid far higher than this.

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