I hadn’t been aware it’s been over a month since I wrote anything here.
So what have I been doing? Mainly, I’ve been hard at work on planning the 2024/2025 year – there’s a lot about that over at Safe Hands.
I’m revamping my marketing, focussing on a niche and redoing all my marketing materials. That means I’m also rethinking my weekly content offerings.
What I haven’t been doing is anything about that online course I poured so much time and love into. Partly that’s because I can only do one “side” project at a time (by “side” I mean work that doesn’t directly bring in money). So I dropped the course in favour of a laser focus on marketing.
But also – I had no reaction at all from the focus group when I sent it out for testing, and that perceived rejection stopped me dead in my tracks and had me thinking that the course is not any good, and that I need to frame it differently. I feel sad that I am not doing anything about the course.
There: I said that out loud. And I think that I will regret it if I don’t push on a bit with it.
So I think that in November, I have to weave the course into my other marketing. And also – just ask all the people I sent it to why they didn’t sign up. Courage will be needed. But this is the year of adventure and fear, so I will set sail on this, along with everything else I am doing.
Main picture: Tim Johnson, Unsplash