Adventure journal entry seven – March 1, 2024

Picture of tortoises to symbolise perserverance

This week has been a bit of a slog.

I’m writing the first handout for the first module of the course, and it is tedious: lots of making sure I have every detail correct, lots of screenshots.

Plus also feelings: sometimes, what I am doing feels as if it will be really useful to people, and sometimes I think no one wants to know this. That means I am getting it done through discipline and willpower, rather than because I enjoy it (writing the handout, that is).

The only way forward in those circumstances is to fall back on the Flylady mantra: you can do anything for 15 minutes. In this case, I think it maybe needs to be 30 minutes, as 15 minutes is too small a time slice to get meaningful screenshots made.

Main picture: Grant Durr, Unsplash